Hello pop fans,
Here today we got us some of them new fangled photograms what was taken last Friday the 17th of February. I don't understand this ungodly sorcery myself but somehow a photogramographer called Mr. Robert Dore managed to get a likeness of us with a magic flashing plastic box. It's the devil's work I tells you. Go see...
First off, all these lovely girls came to see us.

More pretty ladies.

I'm thinking those two girls on the right must be sisters. Yep, Sherlock Holmes here.
Now, this is us.

Who'd a thunk it? A big cardboard sign for Batman Begins make the perfect facade for an evil alien sex pervert lair. Had us fooled anyway.

"He's lucky, I'm lucky, the bannister's* lucky.". Mairead gives it a bit of incestuous maid.
(*Bannister not pictured for reasons of invisibility).

Yeah, well, you don't know where she threatened to stick her feather duster.

Jen rocks the Timewarp (the magic growing pink bow-tie has been taken away for downsizing - that mofo just keeps getting bigger each week).

Paula working the Translyvanian/Matrix/Blue Brothers cross-over thing.

And now for Aidan's favourite part of the night... It's Nudieeeee Time!

Marc (Frank) looking kinda arty.... Or underexposed. Meh, you decide.

Rubber gloves - this year's Ugg boot. You heard it here first.
I sort of like the way this picture looks like you're seeing it through night vision goggles. Hmm.

"Hello God? It's me, Frank. I've been such a good boy, I haven't seduced, murdered or eaten anyone all day. Please make my monster big and blonde and willing. Pleeeeeese? I promise to go to Mass every Sunday and give all my old corsets to the homeless. Thank you. Hugs and bubbles, Frankie xxx"

Why is Brad laughing? This is proper scary, like...

Somehow, the big wheely colourdy thing disappeared from this photo. We'll just have to use our imagination so.
Is it just me or does it look like Frank is one-handedly milking a gigantic imaginary cow? No? Ok then.

You're in for it now boy... the rodgering of your life. Mwaahahah!

I think I just caught sight of my hair in a mirror.

Hey, it's hard work being an undercover alien handyman. Brother needs a rest sometimes...

Wayne (Eddie) would do anything for love. But he won't do that.

Still catching flies...

"When a man loves a specially created love clone". Ah, we're all for same-sex unions here at Voyeuristic Intention...

I know, that's my breasticle there and I look right fat. But the rest of the picture is kind of cool and cinematic so feck it.

Paula (Dr. Scott) still refusing to explain what a zumzink is.

"You're a hotdog, but you'd better not try to hurt her, Frank Furter." Marc laughs in the face of sausage related insults.
Ha ha ha.
Yeah, just like that.

Like every good transvestite master and overlord, Frank likes to listen carefully to the petitions of his minions, before dashing their hopes with a crushing putdown.

Aisling does a quick Columbia stand in for the Floorshow.

Hoots mon! Riff Raff reveals his Scottish heritage.

Ok, ok, give us a break, our proper spacesuits aren't ready yet. In the meantime. Magenta is going for the Diana Ross in the 1980s look and Riff Raff favours the oven ready chicken vibe. It's all good...

"And I can see, OH, blue skies, through the tears, im my eyes." Sob... don't go Frankie.
That's it, hope you like them. Oh, and hello to Sean, our MC and Criminologist. I forgot to mention him in previous posts and I'm mortified. Sorry Sean! I'll try to get a pic of you up if I can find one. Hold please...