Roll up, roll up! Ooh lookah - our first set of badges, hopefully the beginning of a series, so start your collection now. See, we like to divide our audience into two distinct tribes - Virgins (those beautiful little innocent lambs) and Voyeurs (those down and dirty hound dogs who are accustomed to this sort of thing) - and here you can see that we have thoughtfully catered for both. What can I say - we're all heart!
They're limited edition (only 33 of each), customed designed for yoooouu and only available at the shows, so pick your team, out with yer communion money & get 'em while they're hot...

So, how would we get there from, say, London?
Leave a message after the blog...
MJ x
Ps. LOVING your literary works...
Hi Mary,
Thanks for your kind words (we blush) - your site is fantastic, just noticed that we bought the Frank stole you had listed*. And we would kiss you all over, and over again (til the night closes in) if you came to see us from the London - you just need to get on a plane to Dublin and take a bus to Naas. And there we would be.
If you need some proper travel info just mail us at the address in our profile - ask for Lisa :)
* It's ok, he's been dead for years, we might as well play with his corpse.
Heya Lisa!
Jen here! Loving the badges, very cute touch! Hope to see more on the way soon!
Friday's show went fab, thanks to a little help from our Israelean friends!
Hope to see you on Wednesday! It'll be crap without you!
Talk soon,
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