Noa on the left and Anat on the right.
And here are the photies they took of us on the night

Here's Seán our Narrator. He has a neck. But every second Friday he pretends not to. It's a crazy world.

Mairead and PJ always take really unusual pictures - looks like they've been caught in an explosion or something!

Another cool picture of Mairead & PJ? S'not fair!

The girls get into the Time Warp. Paula and PJ work the background.

The obligitory Throne scene.

The irresistable urges of a chairosexual, no seating is safe...

It's a little know fact that our Frank (Marc) is 8ft 7in and has size 25 feet. He's the worlds biggest shoeless tranny.

Suddenly the pre-show naggin didn't seem like such a good idea.

Wayne (Eddie) makes beautiful music with his, eh, bottle of Club Orange? Lucozade? It's not a saxamaphone. That I know.

Paula (Dr. Scott) medusafied.

Saucy! Jen, you minx!

"And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain..."

They're home with the downies!
Aidan, Sean and PJ, keepin it real and all.

All the gang at the end of the night with Noa in the middle.
Heya, Columbia here!
Pics are fab as always. I put the ones you sent me up on the myspace page. Its www.myspace.com/voyeuristicintention05
Thanks Lisa!
Keep up the good work. Hope to see you next Friday!
Jen x
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