Monday, March 13, 2006

Ready for our close-up

Oooh yes, forgot to mention, we have something quite exciting happening on Wednesday - a film crew from RTE are coming to film us at 1.00pm as part of a show called The Ex Files. A couple will be coming on a date to the cinema to see Rocky Horror and will have to endure our gurning and hamming as part of the process :)

Aaaaanyway, it's on at a funny time but if anyone wants to come and see it and potentially be on the telly just turn up on Wednesday. And if you were in costume it'd be all the better.

Just post a comment dahlinks if you need to know anything else.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa
Jen here again!
Wednesday went brilliant I think, thank god! Shame about Friday though.... lesson learned! No more alcohol intake for me anyway... till next weekend!
The sight of Marc in a bra definitely scared me into not doing another costume swop for a while though......
Guess we will just have to make up for it next week. But I have to say, kudos to you for being a fabulous Frankie! You could have upstaged Mr. Curry himself.. almost...!
Talk soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey dudes n dudettes (gawd that sounded geeky and SOOOOO 1986 it weren't funny. I know we at Lipsinc were talking about comming down to see yall getting naked...and then watch some rocky ;)

Seriously yall are hawt :D

he he he it's nice to see other on this island

specially Oirish ones...wait that was racist I'm sorry...

hope to see you soon!
Lipsinc crazy drunk n under study :D

P.S why are all the Marks/Marcs playing Frank!?!?! tis strange,,,mnaybe they're all same person...have you ever seen them all in on room!!!! NO!!! EXACTLY!! I'll go now....