G'day possums. Welcome to Learn Hebrew with Voyeuristic Intention.
For our first lesson:
The cat is good - Ha chatool tov
The bridge is bad - Ha gesher ra
The cat is bad - Ha chatool ra
The bridge is good - Ha gesher tov
By now you should feeling confident with your fluency in this ancient and complex language and with these essential phrases under your belt you are just about ready to book your holiday in Israel and converse like a local.
Em, yeah. Or you could wait until after the next lesson.
In case you're wondering, all of the above is especially to celebrate the arrival in Naas last Friday of Noa and Anat, two Israeli Rocky Horror cast members (and to give them a bit of a giggle). Sorry girls - Letsa-ari, ani medaberet rak k'tsat ivrit (that's supposed to say "Unfortunately, we don't know much Hebrew" but for all we know it could say "The timing belt on your 1986 VW Jetta needs to be replaced every 60,000 miles" or "Koala bears are Australia's biggers carriers of gonorrhea". Who knows? As usual, In Google We Trust.)
Anyway, Noa and Anat are over in Ireland for St. Patrick's Day and made their way down to our humble little town to see how Rocky Horror is done Irish style. And how happy were we that they came? Very happy! Such angels they were, they livened up our show no end. We wanted to keep them, put them in a golden cage and bring them out every Friday night as our own special mascots and cheerleaders but strangely they weren't overly enthused about this idea. Ah well. Have a great time in Ireland girls! We should have some photos from the night soon for your delictation.
And many, many thanks to everyone else who came along. It was our bestest ever night and bestest ever crowd. Hope to see some or all of you again soon.
Later, freakinuns.