Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Hello there you, our imaginary yet obviously pulchritudinous and morally upstanding regular blog reader. How badly you have been treated this past month hence - we didn't write, didn't call to enquire after the health of your aged grand aunt nor did we even send flowers in a shoddy and transparently transparent attempt to compensate for this neglect.

Ah, but would it excuse us if we were to say these have been tentative days here at Voyeuristic Intention Towers, the sands of Rocky Horror Picture Show shadow casting shifting under our very feet? Oh what impermanent, evanescent times we live in dear reader. But what can we, mere mortals, shadow and dust, do about Change? Nowt but bow to its flibbertigibbet ways and perhaps gently suggest that it wears flesh colour knickers under its white linen summer trousers. Personally I would favour the boy short's kind cotton embrace over the cheese wire manevolence of the g string but hey, that's just me and who am I to tell Change how to dress its undercarriage? Nobody. Exactly.

So yeeeaaaah... oh yeah, Change. Right, well, ok, em, so - performance every second Friday. The film will be shown every week still but there'll only be a cast there every fortnight. The weekly thing was getting kind of tiring for everyone and God knows, I was getting it very difficult to fit into my bridge/strip poker schedule down at the day care centre.

There was a show last Friday, 5th May so the schedule for the next two months is
Friday 19 May,
Friday 2 June,
Friday 16 June,
Friday 30 June and so on in that fortnightly type way. It's a sort of a sum.

We also have a few cast changes - a new Janet for one thing. God knows some people would pay good money to stand around in a slip and have young men jump all over them and indeed many's the time I did, but my arthritic old bones can't handle the japery anymore so I proudly pass the white hat of Janetyness over to the ever lovely Ebony. Besht a luck Ebony! I'll be hanging around still as some kind of webby and costumey person and hopefully will be taking a few photos to put up on the site (we never really had anyone to take photos regularly, hence the lack of, eh, photos on the site.). There are probably a few other cast changes to come but we're not really sure what they are at the moment so we'll just have to wait and see.

So, ta ta for now, schweetums and why don't you come up and see us sometime ;)