Friday, July 07, 2006

Little bishop in a turtleneck - Hedwig and the Angry Inch in Dublin

Got an email about a production of Hedwig and the Angry Inch taking place in the Project Arts Centre in Temple Bar this week, thought I'd post it. Hedwig is a really fantastic rock musical with some hilarious one-liners & should appeal to most Rocky fans (I know, that sounds like a review out of the RTE Guide, sorry!). If you haven't seen it yet, then you should! :)

Making Strange Theatre Company
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
By John Cameron Mitchell
Music by Stephen Trask

Wednesday 5th July-Saturday 15th July
Project Arts Centre, Temple Bar, Dublin 2

Starring Joe Roch and Megan Riordan
Band This Kid's Disco as 'The Angry Inch'

Winner, Best Spiegeltent Show, Dublin Fringe Festival 2005

Some electric pink nail polish, a Farrah Fawcett wig, one trashy rock band, and an east German transsexual; just another night at the theatre, right?  Think again!

5-15 July 2006 (low price preview 4 July)
Project Arts Centre, 8pm
East Essex St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2
Tickets: €14/18
Booking: 01 881 9613/14

Noa and Anat's pictures

Here's Noa and Anat, the two gorgeous girlies from Israel who came to see us back in March.

Noa on the left and Anat on the right.

And here are the photies they took of us on the night

Here's Seán our Narrator. He has a neck. But every second Friday he pretends not to. It's a crazy world.

Mairead and PJ always take really unusual pictures - looks like they've been caught in an explosion or something!

Another cool picture of Mairead & PJ? S'not fair!

The girls get into the Time Warp. Paula and PJ work the background.

The obligitory Throne scene.

The irresistable urges of a chairosexual, no seating is safe...

It's a little know fact that our Frank (Marc) is 8ft 7in and has size 25 feet. He's the worlds biggest shoeless tranny.

Suddenly the pre-show naggin didn't seem like such a good idea.

Wayne (Eddie) makes beautiful music with his, eh, bottle of Club Orange? Lucozade? It's not a saxamaphone. That I know.

Paula (Dr. Scott) medusafied.

Saucy! Jen, you minx!

"And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain..."

They're home with the downies!
Aidan, Sean and PJ, keepin it real and all.

All the gang at the end of the night with Noa in the middle.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Hello there you, our imaginary yet obviously pulchritudinous and morally upstanding regular blog reader. How badly you have been treated this past month hence - we didn't write, didn't call to enquire after the health of your aged grand aunt nor did we even send flowers in a shoddy and transparently transparent attempt to compensate for this neglect.

Ah, but would it excuse us if we were to say these have been tentative days here at Voyeuristic Intention Towers, the sands of Rocky Horror Picture Show shadow casting shifting under our very feet? Oh what impermanent, evanescent times we live in dear reader. But what can we, mere mortals, shadow and dust, do about Change? Nowt but bow to its flibbertigibbet ways and perhaps gently suggest that it wears flesh colour knickers under its white linen summer trousers. Personally I would favour the boy short's kind cotton embrace over the cheese wire manevolence of the g string but hey, that's just me and who am I to tell Change how to dress its undercarriage? Nobody. Exactly.

So yeeeaaaah... oh yeah, Change. Right, well, ok, em, so - performance every second Friday. The film will be shown every week still but there'll only be a cast there every fortnight. The weekly thing was getting kind of tiring for everyone and God knows, I was getting it very difficult to fit into my bridge/strip poker schedule down at the day care centre.

There was a show last Friday, 5th May so the schedule for the next two months is
Friday 19 May,
Friday 2 June,
Friday 16 June,
Friday 30 June and so on in that fortnightly type way. It's a sort of a sum.

We also have a few cast changes - a new Janet for one thing. God knows some people would pay good money to stand around in a slip and have young men jump all over them and indeed many's the time I did, but my arthritic old bones can't handle the japery anymore so I proudly pass the white hat of Janetyness over to the ever lovely Ebony. Besht a luck Ebony! I'll be hanging around still as some kind of webby and costumey person and hopefully will be taking a few photos to put up on the site (we never really had anyone to take photos regularly, hence the lack of, eh, photos on the site.). There are probably a few other cast changes to come but we're not really sure what they are at the moment so we'll just have to wait and see.

So, ta ta for now, schweetums and why don't you come up and see us sometime ;)

Monday, April 10, 2006

Charity Screening of Rocky Horror in Dublin

Ok, I know this is kind of late but I just found out the details. It's nothing got to do with us but it's a very worthy cause so I thought I'd spread the news:


Charity Screening of the Cult Classic Film in aid of Kisiizi Hospital, Rubiriizi School and Jinja Orphanage, Uganda.

Cineworld, Parnell St. (UGC)
Tuesday 11th / Wednesday 12th April
EUR 10

Group Discounts
Group of 5 = 1 person free

For reservations: 087 747 8408 or
Tickets available on the night

Traditional themed dress is optional / encouraged!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Green beer blues

Ah, what to say about our anarchic St. Patrick's Day Rocky Horror cast switch night... well, traditional Paddy's Day alcoholic over-indulgence and switching about parts is doomed to failure! Doomed I say!

Here's an artist's impression of the results:

Image hosting by Photobucket

Business as usual this Friday :)

Monday, March 13, 2006

Ready for our close-up

Oooh yes, forgot to mention, we have something quite exciting happening on Wednesday - a film crew from RTE are coming to film us at 1.00pm as part of a show called The Ex Files. A couple will be coming on a date to the cinema to see Rocky Horror and will have to endure our gurning and hamming as part of the process :)

Aaaaanyway, it's on at a funny time but if anyone wants to come and see it and potentially be on the telly just turn up on Wednesday. And if you were in costume it'd be all the better.

Just post a comment dahlinks if you need to know anything else.

Shalom, ma nishma?

G'day possums. Welcome to Learn Hebrew with Voyeuristic Intention.

For our first lesson:

The cat is good - Ha chatool tov
The bridge is bad - Ha gesher ra

The cat is bad - Ha chatool ra
The bridge is good - Ha gesher tov

By now you should feeling confident with your fluency in this ancient and complex language and with these essential phrases under your belt you are just about ready to book your holiday in Israel and converse like a local.

Em, yeah. Or you could wait until after the next lesson.

In case you're wondering, all of the above is especially to celebrate the arrival in Naas last Friday of Noa and Anat, two Israeli Rocky Horror cast members (and to give them a bit of a giggle). Sorry girls - Letsa-ari, ani medaberet rak k'tsat ivrit (that's supposed to say "Unfortunately, we don't know much Hebrew" but for all we know it could say "The timing belt on your 1986 VW Jetta needs to be replaced every 60,000 miles" or "Koala bears are Australia's biggers carriers of gonorrhea". Who knows? As usual, In Google We Trust.)

Anyway, Noa and Anat are over in Ireland for St. Patrick's Day and made their way down to our humble little town to see how Rocky Horror is done Irish style. And how happy were we that they came? Very happy! Such angels they were, they livened up our show no end. We wanted to keep them, put them in a golden cage and bring them out every Friday night as our own special mascots and cheerleaders but strangely they weren't overly enthused about this idea. Ah well. Have a great time in Ireland girls! We should have some photos from the night soon for your delictation.

And many, many thanks to everyone else who came along. It was our bestest ever night and bestest ever crowd. Hope to see some or all of you again soon.

Later, freakinuns.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Ah, wikkle baby badges

Roll up, roll up! Ooh lookah - our first set of badges, hopefully the beginning of a series, so start your collection now. See, we like to divide our audience into two distinct tribes - Virgins (those beautiful little innocent lambs) and Voyeurs (those down and dirty hound dogs who are accustomed to this sort of thing) - and here you can see that we have thoughtfully catered for both. What can I say - we're all heart!

They're limited edition (only 33 of each), customed designed for yoooouu and only available at the shows, so pick your team, out with yer communion money & get 'em while they're hot...

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Looky looky! Pictures...

Hello pop fans,

Here today we got us some of them new fangled photograms what was taken last Friday the 17th of February. I don't understand this ungodly sorcery myself but somehow a photogramographer called Mr. Robert Dore managed to get a likeness of us with a magic flashing plastic box. It's the devil's work I tells you. Go see...

First off, all these lovely girls came to see us.

More pretty ladies.

I'm thinking those two girls on the right must be sisters. Yep, Sherlock Holmes here.

Now, this is us.

Who'd a thunk it? A big cardboard sign for Batman Begins make the perfect facade for an evil alien sex pervert lair. Had us fooled anyway.

"He's lucky, I'm lucky, the bannister's* lucky.". Mairead gives it a bit of incestuous maid.
(*Bannister not pictured for reasons of invisibility).

Yeah, well, you don't know where she threatened to stick her feather duster.

Jen rocks the Timewarp (the magic growing pink bow-tie has been taken away for downsizing - that mofo just keeps getting bigger each week).

Paula working the Translyvanian/Matrix/Blue Brothers cross-over thing.

And now for Aidan's favourite part of the night... It's Nudieeeee Time!

Marc (Frank) looking kinda arty.... Or underexposed. Meh, you decide.

Rubber gloves - this year's Ugg boot. You heard it here first.
I sort of like the way this picture looks like you're seeing it through night vision goggles. Hmm.

"Hello God? It's me, Frank. I've been such a good boy, I haven't seduced, murdered or eaten anyone all day. Please make my monster big and blonde and willing. Pleeeeeese? I promise to go to Mass every Sunday and give all my old corsets to the homeless. Thank you. Hugs and bubbles, Frankie xxx"

Why is Brad laughing? This is proper scary, like...

Somehow, the big wheely colourdy thing disappeared from this photo. We'll just have to use our imagination so.
Is it just me or does it look like Frank is one-handedly milking a gigantic imaginary cow? No? Ok then.

You're in for it now boy... the rodgering of your life. Mwaahahah!

I think I just caught sight of my hair in a mirror.

Hey, it's hard work being an undercover alien handyman. Brother needs a rest sometimes...

Wayne (Eddie) would do anything for love. But he won't do that.

Still catching flies...

"When a man loves a specially created love clone". Ah, we're all for same-sex unions here at Voyeuristic Intention...

I know, that's my breasticle there and I look right fat. But the rest of the picture is kind of cool and cinematic so feck it.

Paula (Dr. Scott) still refusing to explain what a zumzink is.

"You're a hotdog, but you'd better not try to hurt her, Frank Furter." Marc laughs in the face of sausage related insults.

Ha ha ha.

Yeah, just like that.

Like every good transvestite master and overlord, Frank likes to listen carefully to the petitions of his minions, before dashing their hopes with a crushing putdown.

Aisling does a quick Columbia stand in for the Floorshow.

Hoots mon! Riff Raff reveals his Scottish heritage.

Ok, ok, give us a break, our proper spacesuits aren't ready yet. In the meantime. Magenta is going for the Diana Ross in the 1980s look and Riff Raff favours the oven ready chicken vibe. It's all good...

"And I can see, OH, blue skies, through the tears, im my eyes." Sob... don't go Frankie.

That's it, hope you like them. Oh, and hello to Sean, our MC and Criminologist. I forgot to mention him in previous posts and I'm mortified. Sorry Sean! I'll try to get a pic of you up if I can find one. Hold please...